god delusion, god is not great, songwriting, paint with ligh

1 Eur

The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
Parašyta Richard Dawkins, kuris ne per seniausiai baigė akademiko karjerą po profesūros Oksfordo universitete ir pasišventė mokslo ir sveiko proto sklaidai masėse, už ką jam reiktų žemai nusilenkti.
Dawkins'o argumentai labai stiprūs ir daugeliu atveju tiesiog triuškinantys, nors tuo pačiu labai aiškiai apibrėžti ir suprantami "eiliniam" žmogui. Kai kuriuose reviu rašoma, kad "tai knyga, kurią turi perskaityti kiekvienas", bet mano supratimu, ją reikia perskaityti bent tiems, kas neabejingi sveikam protui, kritiškam mąstymui ir faktais grįstai įžvalgai. Ir ne vien dėl religijos, bet apskritai dėl to, kad tai puikus pavyzdys, kaip reikia agumentuotai ir pagrįstai aiškinti savo poziciją.
Aišku, labiausiai šitą knygą reiktų perskaityti religingiems (arba save tokiais laikantiems) žmonėms. Nors to tikėtis būtų šiek tiek naivu.

Kaina - 35Lt Pirkta Londone.
Essential songwriting (C. J. Watson)
Gera knyga apie dainu rasyma, kurybini procesa ir kt.

Kaina - 35 Lt. Pirkta londone.
God is not great (Christopher Hitchens)
Viena geriausiu ateistiniu knygu.

Kaina - 49 Lt. Pirkta londone.
Painting with light (John Alton)
Geriausia pasauly knyga apie apsvietimo technikas fotografijoje, kine, grafikoje ir tt.
Few cinematographers have had as decisive an impact on the cinematic medium as John Alton. Best known for his highly stylized film noir classics "T-Men", "He Walked by Night", and "The Big Combo", Alton earned a reputation during the 1940s and 1950s as one of Hollywood's consummate craftsmen through his visual signature of crisp shadows and sculpted beams of light. No less renowned for his virtuoso color cinematography and deft appropriation of widescreen and Technicolor, he earned an Academy Award in 1951 for his work on the musical "An American in Paris". First published in 1949, and long out of print since then, "Painting With Light" remains one of the few truly canonical statements on the art of motion picture photography, an unrivalled historical document on the workings of the postwar, American cinema. In simple, non-technical language, Alton explains the job of the cinematographer and explores how lighting, camera techniques, and choice of locations determine the visual mood of film. Todd McCarthy's introduction, written especially for this edition, provides an overview of Alton's biography and career and explores the influence of his work on contemporary cinematography.

Kaina - 99 Lt

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